Eco Tourism At Guda Bishnoiyan, Jodhpur
Eco Tourism At Guda Bishnoiyan is second largest city of Rajasthan, was formerly
the seat of princely state. The capital of the kingdom Marwar was jodhpur. The city
is known as Sun City for very sunny weather it enjoys throughout the year. It is
also called as blue city due to blue painted houses around the Mehrangarh fort.
Jodhpur is the popular destination for tourists among other tourist sites of Rajasthan.
Tourists from all over the world who come to Jodhpur not only visit historical monuments
but also go to nearby villages like Guda Bishnoiyan, Khejarli, Kankani, Kheechan,
Osian etc.
In Guda Bishnoiyan tourists see fascinating coexistence of Bishnoi community
and wildlife. The village Guda Bishnoiyan is located on the left hand side of the
Jodhpur Pali national highway at a distance of 20 km from Jodhpur. The population
of this area is predominantly Bishnoi community. The Bishnoi community has its own
29 principles laid down by Jambhoji Maharaj - the Jhambheshwar Maharaj. One of the
29 principles of the Bishnoi community is to protect wildlife. Bishnoi community
has played a significant role in protection of wildlife & trees in the region particularly
Black buck (Antelope cervicarpa), and Chinkara (Gazella bennettii) & also Khejari
tree (Prosopis cineraria).

At an approximate distance of 2 km from Guda Bishnoi
village is located Guda Talab (Pond). This Talab (Pond) is surrounded by few small
ponds which contain water during rainy season. In all the ponds where rain water
accumulates are good source for several migratory and local birds Migration includes
local as well as international migration. Some species of birds are Black Ibis,
Black Tailed Godwit, Brahmny Duck, Darter, Demoiselle Crane, Flamingo, Cormorants,
Spoonbill, Mallard and Painted Stork etc.
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